Install or converting an apple app

Hello everyone, question. A chance to install an application made with Kodular io to the app store or rather, can we download it as an apk as in android

Thank you


in simple ways i say android apk is different and ios apk are different

An iOS app has ipa as the app extension. And no Kodular can not produces iOS apps. App Inventor is working on a way to make Android and iOS apps but is still in very early beta.


@Peter will that update also come in kodular cuz day by day android users are decreasing and ios are increasing

Where do you get this information from?


probably not in India but in other countries i happens

I don’t think so


so hey wont update that feature in kodular

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This is what a google image search says -

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So we needn’t worry about who will have more users :wink:

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no smartphones

so are we gonna make ai gadgets on kodular?
#off-topic x 2
there are already voice bots made on kodular


hahaha that’s actually too much off-topic @Ekansh_Pandit

iOS has Different Kenral Made By Apple Inc

Android Uses Linux Kenral So That it is Editable Os

iOS =iPhone
Android = Apk

2050 apps and phones

I mean, we can’t get an IOS output other than the thunkable x. It’s too bad. I think Kodular IO should find a solution to this problem.

First MIT App Inventor Should Make iOS Edition Then Kodular Will Apply It

MIT is Working ON in

If any one is interested to know MIT progress :slightly_smiling_face:

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