Is logic Block "OR" fine with many condition?

I just noticed it a while ago i created a logic block OR with condition, as you can see in the image underlined with black color it shows “false” what would be the meaning of this? Upon creating it well it shows OR instead of False now im confused because of it, can someone enlighten me ty.

Are the values of all your variables only true or false ?

Yes it is only true or false

I have seen that too, but it’s working. Maybe it’s a interface bug from Kodular. But you App should work.

It should say or. This from App Inventor

Well as it should look like that I wonder what is the cause why is shows False instead OR.

Well I haven’t debug my blocks yet last time I tried to use this block it didn’t work with OR and multiple condition but fewer condition works in my case. Confusing.

I have about 8 or definitions in one block and it works normally.

does it also show in your blocks “false”? mind if you share yours too.

@Kodular @Diego please put it onto the bug list

btw. how to correctly contact someone from the Kodular team nowadays?