Is there a way to remove the receive sms permission?

My app does not require receiving sms so I need to remove the permission due to Google play developer policies, is there a way to do this? (My app does require sending sms)

can you mention what is your app(component used) and which extensions you used

and if you used messaging component from social category then you cannot remove that permission

It is the texting component from the social tab, Is there a way I can get the java source code so I can remove it manually, I won’t be able to submit my app to Google Play otherwise.

Use Activity Starter and no permissions are needed


I saw this, but this breaks the whole purpose of my app, I read the policy, per my app category, I am allowed to use the permission to send sms but not to receive, I don’t even need to receive but can’t remove it.

The only way is to decompile your apk, remove unnecessary permissions and recompile back to apk


How am I able to do this?

Google it how to decompile apk

However, the code may break after doing this, so test your app properly afterwards


Ok, how do I recompile it?

how to decompile and recompile apk in android


use apk editor studio software. open apk with help the software, open manifest file and remove the permission which you do not want.
link of apk editor studio : APK Editor for PC and Mac – APK Editor Studio


Thank you for this, works great! :grinning:


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