Just created a webview android app using kodular

Just created a webview android app using kodular
A website has payment gateway. When user move to the payment gateway page it automatically generate pop up for payment but unfortunately pop not generated in the android app. Does webview doesn’t support pop up?


Please post your app link…
The information you providing is not that much helpful.

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For your information, Google Play doesn’t like app that just contain a webview and maybe some ads.

Is this is yours website. According to you website is responsive so user will run your website on any browser so why did they download app with same experience.

Dude, I’m not stupid enough to create it. My client has need it. Plz understand

Do you know instamojo payment gateway.? When user click on pay now a small js pop up opened to enter atm otp or pin. That pop up window is not opening in the webview app.

You should enable prompt for permission property in advance properties tab of webviewer

Try this i think this should be worked properly if not cross for enable JavaScript