Kio4 Gradient extension error

hi im facing errors with kio4 gradient extension

Screenshot 2020-10-24 182250

dont use card view it will show error. i got my error . the extension doesnt support


quick answer
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You can search in the comunity first !!!
Take a look at:

Special attention to
Download Link 1 (Recommended | Modified for better icon visibility in Kodular)

And last for orientation only accepts values ​​from 1 to 8 (not zero).

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aldrready know that . i saw vid of it

OK, but you haven’t mentioned it in the first post !!
Please check your blocks (first block for Gradient layout Vertical_Arrangement1, you set orientation 0. Try changed from 1 to 8 (zero value is not recognized)

Edit: Use different colors in the list. You are set only black maybe for that reason Gradient can’t be generated and you get the error.

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i dint mentioned my mistake but i solved it so ok

please provide the solution to your issue then… this is how a community works… to help each other…
and your answer can help others with the same problem in future
thank you
