Kodular Extensions IDE

[center] :makeroid: Makeroid Extensions IDE :desktop_computer: [/center]

Makeroid Andromeda has been officially launched and we proudly announce the Makeroid Extensions IDE! :desktop_computer:


What is Makeroid Extensions IDE?

Makeroid Extensions IDE (or Makeroid IDE) is a Makeroid Service which provides a Web UI to code AppInventor :appinventor: Extensions for free. You will have to code in Java following the documentation anything you want, and then you can just hit ā€œCompileā€ and your extension will be ready in a few minutes!

What features does it have?

  • Unlimited Projects
    You can create as many extensions you want!

  • Extensions Compilations
    You can compile the JAVA Extension to an importable .AIX with Makeroid IDE
    Thereā€™s a waiting queue as the Compiler can only handle one simultaneous build

  • Premium Plan
    We have plans to introduce in this service a Premium Plan :sweat_smile:
    This plan would include:

    • Ability to upload custom .JAR libraries
    • Ability to change Extension Package
    • Ability to change any import
    • Dedicated Compiler, so you will be able to skip the compiling queue


Lots of users requested to integrate a Java editor into Makeroid, to manually edit the code
Well, that is NOT possible as AppInventor was designed in a way blocks are translated to YAIL files, and those YAIL files into .APKs directly without any Java usage

So, as in AppInventor you can create Extensions, we decided to ā€œintegrateā€ a Java editor into the Builder in some way. So thatā€™s how the IDE was bornt: trying to integrate Java into Makeroid

Premium Plan

We are actively working on this, and we will bring it as soon as possible to Makeroid Extensions IDE :wink:
Of course, there will be trials and offers for Extensions Developers :smile:

This service is more orientated to ā€œadvanced usersā€ who wants more power in Makeroid :sweat_smile:
For example, Android Studio developers will find Makeroid very simple, but providing the Extensions IDE we ensure they will have a place to use their advanced skills and enjoy Makeroid as everyone :smiley:

Hope you like this!
:makeroid: Team


superb idea .
its may alot help new extension developers


Brilliant work lads, brilliant indeed. If you could add the hability to import AAR libraries it would be fantastic and I would actually consider buying in the premium tier. Right now the process to use AAR libraries in extension development is too tedious :stuck_out_tongue:
But then again, props for this web ide. I aways tought that the reason that there were so few extension developers was the confusing and often wrong documentation on how to setup the environment .


@Diego It seems your WebIDE does not recognize the ā€˜+ā€™ character !

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Yeah, Iā€™m already aware of that :sweat_smile:
Tomorrow Iā€™ll see if I can find a workaround

Can you add multiple packages in the Kodular Extension IDE??

Hey @jc1bryan!
We have planned on updating the Extension IDE with other features.
But we donā€™t really have a time frame as of now.


Hy Team!
Why IDE Kodular is not working?


There is an error in your site
your site is not opnening please check and solve the problem
I want to create extensions will anyone help to do this.
contact me on
Edit: use PM for this.

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site is not opening when i am clicking on the link it is opening appybuilder

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Its Now AppyBuilder IDE Extension

Look At The Link https://ide.makeroid.io/ Is Now https://editor.appybuilder.com/

https://ide.makeroid.io was never https://editor.appybuilder.comā€¦ It was just taken offline for some reason unknown, however, people began recommending the AppyBuilder IDE. Now, itā€™s just redirected.

That I Mean It. :blush: :blush: Thank You :blush: :blush:

Please Try https://ide.kodular.io/ itā€™s just redirected Too To https://editor.appybuilder.com/ .

Appybuilder was merged with Kodular (which I think was in the last year). Appybuilder made their own Extension IDE, and as they were merged, Kodular has forwarded ide.makeroid.io & ide.kodular.io, so it redirects to editor.appybuilder.com