[Kodular] How to add data into a specific sheets of spreadsheets?

Hello, I need your help. I want to add data from my apps to Google Spreadsheets, the problem here is, how if I want to add certain data to a specific sheets? because my file has many sheets.

I try Many type codes but this is not possible.

Why dont you try cloudsheets classic / pro its easoly possible with it.


i already have a huge data set in my spreadsheet. impossible to convert

You can get in touch with me personally, I can generate an api for your current spreadsheet as well from backend.


can i update a data of spreadsheet without base id??

Yes it is possible. Already have worked in such a project. If you give proper sheet id it is possible . Store all the sheet id in a variable. Just by using certain rule we can achieve it

Some free/paid spreadsheet extensions are available on community, you can try with extensions.