If you want to make a more elaborate guide why not show what html codes you can use in a label or textbox. You can edit this topic and change the title.
There is more then underline. You can have italic, bold, superscript, subscript, change colors for instance. Then you would have made a great guide to point to when there is a question.
For now your guide is really small and what you have shown can also be found on the community.
@Peter is right you have to make a complete tutorial not just a underline, these are the code we are using already and if someone needs to se html then he needs a complete tutorial not just one code.
if you wanted to be highlighted in community then you have to give some time to community.
Thanks For Your Suggetion I Have Implemented del tag in guide. We can make text bold and italic with built in functions of kodular creator therefore not added your other tags
And that’s where you are thinking wrong. You should add them because this way you can make part of your label bold, italic, underlined, etc. And don’t forget subscriptand superscript. And that you can give part of the label a different color.
This is not the question, but that you want to vary this within a text.
Btw, on the occasion, questions about text font size in HTML should also be clarified, see e.g. here:
What alternatives are there, eg like this:
<font color=red>normal text</font> or <big><font color=blue>big text</font></big> or
<small><small><font color=green>small text</font><small/><small/> or <big><big><big><big><font color=purple>bigger text</font></big></big></big></big>