I understand you perfectly. But it is easier for everyone (beginners especially ) to understand what your extension does and how it can be used in their projects.
Best Regards from Santa Fe, Argentina.
See how the developers present their extension here:
Extension Name: CustomWebView
It is an extended version of web viewer with more customization and flexibility.Its customization and additional features make it different from Web Viewer although it uses same Web View class.
Latest Version: 8
Released: 2020-05-12T18:30:00Z (UTC)
Last Updated: 2020-07-23T18:30:00Z (UTC)
Requires: Android 5+
More customization options than normal web viewer
Long Click event
New window request event
Close window request event
Load lo…
Extension Name: Floating View
Through this extension, it is possible to transfer its visible component to a floating view capable of remaining active while the user is in other activities. An example of an application that uses this feature is the messenger.
Latest Version: 1.2
Released:2020-06-14T11:52:00Z (UTC)
Last Updated:2020-06-28T18:25:00Z (UTC)
[component_method (32)]
[component_method (43)]
[component_method (37)]
[component_method (41)]
Please don’t be offended, it’s just a suggestion !!!
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