Launch of new extension to implement a blockchain system - Mini BlocklyChain

Launch of new extensions to implement a blockchain system that we call Mini BlocklyChain.

After a few years of reviewing different extensions and creating various applications, I decided to return a little of all the help they have given me.

So I gave myself the task of creating all the extensions to be able to implement a blockchain system on mobile phones.

I leave the link where you can find extensions and manuals in different languages ​​(Spanish, English, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian and Portuguese) to try it.

We have implemented a consensus algorithm using quantum computing to generate QRNG quantum random numbers. It also includes this extension.

These two fields of innovation are included:

1.- Blockchain Technology.
2.- Quantum computing.


More information.



Can you show some block & which purpose we can use this?can you described?

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Congrats for the great work. can you provide more info about OpenQbitBlock.aix.

Sure, I send these basic steps to test some methods and events. However I am considering that a minimum of how a blockchain works is already known. I suggest reviewing the user manual that I uploaded to GITHUB, it is in different languages ​​to choose (Spanish, English, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian and Portuguese) from in this handbook, there are more useful examples.

HandBooks: MiniBlocklyChain/HandBooks at master · openqbit-diy/MiniBlocklyChain · GitHub

I just made an update to the OpenQbitBlock.aix extension.



It useful for bitcoin block chain or can be used in other product block chain like agriculture produce

Nice work but provide images and an apk so users can see n check

It is right…

The methods and events of the digital address creations already have the algorithms that Bitcoin and Ethereum uses when creating them, they are valid addresses ready to make transactions on their respective blockchain.

If you want to create your own digital currency (cryptocurrency) or Active (Any type of digital data or information that may have intrinsic value). You can use the option to create an Mini BlocklyChain address with method (GeneateAddrMiniBlocklyChain) and implement it in any system that you want to develop with the extensions that I uploaded to GitHub.

The methods and events can be used in any sector (agriculture, finance, transportation, government, etc.) depending on each system design, the manual includes several “annexes” that help develop a system from its beginnings. Creation of address, creation of databases (keystore & blockchain), security, communications, etc.

HandBooks: MiniBlocklyChain/HandBooks at master · openqbit-diy/MiniBlocklyChain · GitHub


In the handbook there are examples of how to create each part to develop a Mini Blocklychain system.

An example of apk application.

However each case to implement blockchain has to be designed depending on the need to be solved, the first thing is to be clear about how a blockchain system works, this is also described in the handbook.

Yesterday I uploaded some example blocks to test some methods and events of the extensions.

The main extension of the blockchain is OpenQbitBlock.aix, however there are other complements such as the extension to get the “hash” of a character string or a file and others.

All the necessary extensions are in the GitHub repository

Any questions we review.