Makeroid please solve the issue its a request

Hello I am directly requesting to makeorid plz solve the issue. When I play google drive videos by using webview component , it doesn’t play in app but when I do same thing in thunkable it runs and video play perfectly without any error while when I play google drive videos in makeroid it shows error like this

I request you please solve this issue Asap.

The WebView component isn’t a full fledged browser.

But why it plays smoothly in thunkable

Why does it matter if it plays good in Thunkable… This is the first new release of Makeroid. It’s going to have bugs!

Look at the title first there is a bug that’s why I am requesting to makeroid.

Your category isn’t set to a bug.

No. The WebViewer component isn’t for viewing videos. This isn’t a bug.

Watch this video you will definitely get you answer.

Let’s say someone uses their shoes to kill cockroaches. If a particular shoe doesn’t kill cockroaches, that isn’t a problem with the shoe. It’s just that the user is given only the core functionality, that is, wearing the shoe on their foot.

Then why this particular function is a bug in Makeroid if they launched by saying that we are coming with new and exciting features, what it means that the bug will remain same in this launch and it will improve again when makeroid will taken down and relaunch again.

As I said, not a bug.

Correct me if I’m wrong, they didn’t advertise the ability to stream videos through the WebViewer.

Again, not a bug.

Hahaha Makeroid won’t relaunch again. What made you think it would?
Also, we now have three compilers, and 24x7 uptime.

Watch the video which I provided here that clearly shows that we can play videos by using webview it is possible only in thunkable and appybuilder but so sad no in makeroid we will call it bug and nothing else understand

It’s not a bug! It’s not Chrome either. If it is a bug thanks for reporting it, Makeroid will try to fix it. Just stop saying it’s a bug so this conversation ends.

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You are not a owner of makeroid who will say end discussion and I will stop discusing , its definitely a bug and I will say it untill makeroid will not improve it

They already saw the first post, why do they need more?


Please be respectful we all are the members of makeroid and has permission/rights to answer an question if you did not like to ask than it’s better not to ask here.