Making applicaon in just one screen can cause any error?

currently i am working on a project where i am using view pager component to swipe left and right to access other pages like page a to page b etc. it have currently 800+ blocks and i have did just half work done till now and i have work for more 800+ blocks where application have 8-9 extension.
and now i just have one question is it safe to do all the work in one screen?

Yes its alright my personal experience i also make one screen app instead of making 10-20 screens but the only problem is that it is difficult to find components on time and also the blocks section is too messy

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thx i just want to know tat is anyone even made one screen application. :grin:
and the messy thing is still big problem :sweat_smile:

All depends on how organised your blocks are. :wink: Arrange them by “arrangement”, create columns for each arrangement, use disabled variables as headers, then it all starts to make sense.


Only your logic plays major role. If you miss somewhere your logic then you fill feel very difficult with where is the mistake happen. But if you were arranged blocks properly with perfect logic then no issues

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Whether the blocks are scattered or regular; I have never seen a positive or negative aspect of using more or less pages.

Yes i know this my 1 year experience of making 1 screen app and i know how to organize

then it won’t be messy, will it? :wink: