My Admob is not showing


I added the Admob banner after getting approved by Kodular to monetize my app. I configured the Ad unit ID on Kodular and made sure to also upload the app-ad.txt file on my website. I am still unable to get it to work. It shows nothing! Please be informed that the Ad unit was created around 7 days ago on Admob.



If you want banner admod ad
Put codes like this

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Worked like a charm. Thanks

no problem

So i removed the “Ad failed to load” component and admob stop showing again. Is there any reason why? I read that Kodular has something against extensions. Maybe this is the issue because I am using extensions in my project.

Please check other topics before creating new topics

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I already did. There is nothing in the community about this topic. Somehow AdMob does not work when I remove the “Ad failed to load” component.