My paid Ads have Admob Ads but Showing Unity why?

I have two paid apps on Kodular. I pay Kodular every month to remove ad commission . I only used Admob banner and Interstitial Ads. But I saw sometime Unity ads are appearing on my apps.
My question is - does Kodular Still taking commission from my paid apps ?
I messaged the team and no one replied so I am posting this to community. Someone please clarify .

That is because kodular takes more commission on admob app.

But I paid Fees to remove Kodular comission

Do not worry it give you money as well as it do not take commisson.

If you paid money to remove commission of kodular. there must be only your ads in your app. I hope kodular team will do something about it.

Yes , they must answer

Can you send me the invoice for your purchase via PM please?

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how can i pay kodular to remove commission anybody can help me

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I have send you details from my main Kodular account. I have also attached a screenshot of receipt. Kindly reply there.

You’re allowed to have only one community account. Please delete all but one of your accounts