Need help on solving play store violation notice

I was trying to upload my first app on google play store but after submitting the apk i received a notice from google which says -

Issue: Violation of Device and Network Abuse policy
We don’t allow apps that interfere with, disrupt, damage, or access in an unauthorized manner the user’s device, other devices or computers, servers, networks, application programming interfaces (APIs), or services, including but not limited to other apps on the device, any Google service, or an authorized carrier’s network.

Your app shouldn’t access or use the service or API in a manner that violates its terms of service. For example, your app shouldn’t download, monetize, or access YouTube videos in a way that violates the YouTube Terms of Service.

i thought the problem was showing banner ads while using Youtube player component, so i removed the whole screen and displayed only one banner ad on first screen which contains nothing but the navigation links to other pages and external links.

i also added the terms and privacy link while uploading the apk.

it will be great if anybody help me finding the solution for this.

Thank You.

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So you want to earn money by showing ads while displaying Youtube videos. Isn’t that against there TOS.

i know that why i removed the whole screen which contains youtube videos.

and the problem is also solved after removing the youtube video screen. and updating the privacy policy URL and content.