Hello koders yestarday I published an update on playstore but the update is rejected and the reason is just
Not adhering to Device and Network Abuse policy
Here is a screenshot
That is a screenshot they sent me and down here are the full details they try to tell me why this app is rejected.
Please koders what can I do to solve this issue?
Let me make it clear on what this app is doing!
Previous the app was giving the user to choose what type of content to download eg. the user could choose to download YouTube Thumbnail or Video, Facebook Thumbnail or Video, Instagram Thumbnail or Video, Tiktok Thumbnail or Video
But some Youtibe, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok video links were not working, so I then found a new way to use some third parts website to configure the links and get the Video url by using JS Command Evalute and I didโnt implement the codes within the app but I just used Airtable to call the codes for in case if that third party website fails to run or changes its DocumentQuerrySelector eg. when you paste a Facebook video link the app will try to use webview with JS codes to get the video url by using the JS code (post-url) and sumbmit the video by using the JS code (fs-submit)
So if the third party site changes the method querry for JS I will then try to see the changes and modify them into my Airtable and the app will keep runing or I can turn into another workimg website this would help me not to update the app everytime.
Hello great koders I know this can be solved because I see a lot of apps that access YouTube Videos etc such as Vidmate and etc on the Playstore and they have never been removed from the store. so what is the secret!
Pease suggest me what can I do to solve this issue with Google Play Store!
Kind Regards to all