Need help to create polyline routes

I tried the navigation component. but when i used it the screen was closed, I tried navigation extension also that was return same result, I tried open route service API. but it return an error.


edited by mod - contained personal api key

{"error":{"code":2010,"message":"Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: 92.1903310 23.1893210.; Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 1: 92.1895690 23.1855440."},"info":{"engine":{"version":"6.6.1","build_date":"2021-07-05T10:57:48Z"},"timestamp":1634822344026}}

Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 0: 92.1903310 23.1893210.; Could not find routable point within a radius of 350.0 meters of specified coordinate 1: 92.1895690 23.1855440.

now can anyone give me the solution to create a route between the two place. it will be really helpful for me

Perhaps you have placed coordinates that have been swapped out : latitude instead of longitude … longitude instead of latitude

yes, you are right, api is working now, but if I use component & extension my app was getting force stop

i set details here

image edited by Mod - contained api key

facing this error when set details with block

Add map and set them to hidden

facing 404 error

404 means the end point is not available, or a given request completed successfully but found no results.

So now what should i do? How can i solved this​:sleepy:

Maybe try to cath the error and if is 404 show a message that navigation not available for this address

i tried google map direction api but that was asking to enabled billing. i haven’t credit card. what should I do now. any alternative