Hi, I am designing a maping APP and are having this error.
Looked around and found no clues.
The idea is to define route, distance and travel time for a selected destination from current position.
But I do not know enouth to use the JsonResponse to draw the route on the map.
I am working on that but if find you can help that would contribute for an alternative solution.
ChatGPT suggested the following:
when Web1.GotText
// Store the JSON response in a variable
set global jsonResponse to responseContent
// Parse the JSON to get the first route
set global routes to call JSONTools.getObjectFromJSON(global jsonResponse, "routes")
set global firstRoute to select list item list global routes index 1
// Get the overview_polyline object from the first route
set global overviewPolyline to call JSONTools.getObjectFromJSON(global firstRoute, "overview_polyline")
// Extract the "points" from the overview_polyline
set global polylinePoints to get property "points" of global overviewPolyline
// Decode the polyline into a list of latitude/longitude pairs
set global decodedPoints to call GoogleMaps1.DecodePolyline with polylinePoints
// Add the polyline to the Google Map
call GoogleMaps1.AddPolyline with points global decodedPoints