Need help trying to select pdf files from phone

Its work for me. Android10.

I dont know with android 11. I have not yet :grin:

any other alternate method?

What is label1 text result

Whats your pdf file name?

I got result on my phone like this

Result with mimetype of file .pdf

@karthik2 Try using this extension :point_down:

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Can you post an APK? I can test.

T12.apk (5.2 MB)

Apk pickPDF.apk (5.2 MB)

Aia pickPDF.aia (31.7 KB)

For apk, add block ask for permission : android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

still no luck

Your apk work fine for me
See video

Yep seems to be a problem of the extension with android 11
tested it with android 9 works fine. does anybody know how to get file path from content uri other than using these extensions? @vknow360 @Taifun

seems like activity starter is also providing the wrong uri?

Can you share directory of your pdf from file manager like this

my file manager shows it like this

I can confirm.

try manually to open file Acc.pdf

That would work but i can’t use it like that because the user would pick any file he wants in his phone

Yes, I understand. it just tries to open a file from a directory.

I think the solution is to replace the directory of the result uri with /Internal storage/Folder where the file is/filename.pdf

to find out the available directories by right-clicking “do it” on this block

try this apk, but i’m not sure, because i work on android 10
pickPDFandroid11.apk (5.2 MB)

ignore button2

File path is shown along with no corresponding activity find error.