Need help trying to select pdf files from phone

seems like activity starter is also providing the wrong uri?

Can you share directory of your pdf from file manager like this

my file manager shows it like this

I can confirm.

try manually to open file Acc.pdf

That would work but i can’t use it like that because the user would pick any file he wants in his phone

Yes, I understand. it just tries to open a file from a directory.

I think the solution is to replace the directory of the result uri with /Internal storage/Folder where the file is/filename.pdf

to find out the available directories by right-clicking “do it” on this block

try this apk, but i’m not sure, because i work on android 10
pickPDFandroid11.apk (5.2 MB)

ignore button2

File path is shown along with no corresponding activity find error.

yes… I’m just trying to give advice, because I can’t try on android 11. I don’t have it yet.

thank you for your help seems to be something wrong maybe in my device it’s working fine in my other devices running android 9 and 10

Android 11 needs MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.


@karthik2 are you still having problem in selecting pdf??

yes in some devices

Which android versions ?

9 works 11 does not

Yes for me also same but there are new permission for android 11

Actually the problem is that Android 11 recognizes image , video and audio files only.And other files are treated as external files.


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