Need Help Warning Page appers before ROLLOUT Apps in Playstore console

Please help how can i publish this WARNING as i guided to rollout but no any ROLLOUT button is active at the time of warning message

Unoptimized APK


This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users’ devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users’ devices.


Use the Android App Bundle to automatically optimize for device configurations, or manage it yourself with multiple APKs.

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That has no effect. Just Ignore it.
App Bundles are generated by Android studio.

Just do a search before you open a new thread

Warnings doesn’t prevent you from publishing the app. Make sure you completed all other steps which is on left side. Completed steps will be marked as green tick icon, and Rollout button will only be enabled when you completed all steps.

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Please suggest any idea what should i have to do my Playstore console has not rollout single app. This is my first publish with second App, First App also aborted because of this and still both app in Draft only

how many green ticks should i require to rollout button.
I have managed to get 3 green ticks App Release, Content Rating, and Price distribution
but not get Rollout Enable

All of them.

Store Listing is required too, you need to add screenshots, description etc.

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i am on console inputing details,

Done so nicely, Thanks for support community help is really helpfull :blush:

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How much time this Review PENDING PUBLICATION will take ?

As far I know from my experience, it can take up to 1 day, this only applies first time publishing, sending updates takes less time. If you are lucky it can even take few hours or less. :sweat_smile: