Need help with weird error

QUOTED.apk (8.7 MB)

My device gets stuck whenever I click on fully clickable cardview “wallpaper”
Or the button called “Text for Button1” (Colour of button is also different)

It should have opened another screen but screen doesn’t change and gets stuck.

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i downloaded your app and i think your using network component to check is network is connected or not with the help of clock component to detect when network got back connection.
can uh please share your wallpaper network blocks.
or just try to disable the network and the clock component block and check that is still problem is coming.

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Sharing aia or blocks will be more worthy rather than apk to solve your issue

Sorry sharing aia wasn’t an option. Apk was provided because the app would stop working as soon as the button is clicked. That screen didn’t have any special blocks

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I checked, you are 100% correct. The problem was with network blocks in the other screen.

I used “network connect” instead of “network disconnect”

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