Need helps please SQL data and kodular

I am making an APP where there will be team A and team B. both teams will have to add records in a DB(SQL) so the team a start sending their Data at exactly 8:00 AM of current date and stop sending the next day at 7 AM so that the team B will take over and do the same procedure. Now please how can I filter data of team A from today 8: AM till tomorrow 7 PM and also filter for team B (Loop) please helps

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Use a select statement together with a where condition
For the syntax do a Google search
See for example


Yes i have seen the WHERE clause but please am a beginner in kodular so please for example with kodular block here is how i made the DB do i need to adjust it ?

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As a minimum your table should contain the team name and the date including the time


like this

See for example this

and do some MySQL tutorials…


That is an example of the database I am able to send all these data but don’t know how to filter this information

Each team work from 8 AM of the current day till the next day and end at 8 AM and the next team start from next day at 8 AM and end the following day at 8 AM Etc… please help

Please check the MySQL documentation concerning where conditions and how to use them together with datetime colums
Then try something and if you got stuck, post your select statement


am a beginner, please don’t laugh at me

Show us a Do it result of your select statement
There can be only one where condition…

Thanks for your time, but you are not really helping me I wrote upward that I am a beginner who need helps, but you seem not to understand that

You seem to be looking for someone doing the work for you…
I’m trying to help you in a way so you can learn and help yourself…
Afrer looking at your Do it result you will realize, that 2 where conditions do not really make sense…
Now provide a corrected version including Do it result

use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing and Debugging


Thanks, here is the solution ```
Select * FROM table_name WHERE date_time >= ‘03/02/2023 08:00:00’
AND date_time < ‘04/02/2023 08:00:00’

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