New Toast Extension | Version 1 | By Ct tricks

Hello everyone!

Here is my another extension New Toast. You can use this extension to show Default Toast, CustomText Tost or Image Toast. You can also set the duration to Short/Long.

:anchor: Blocks Screenshot

:anchor: Sample Video

:arrow_down: Download AIX : NewToastByCttricksV01.aix (9.1 KB)

Note : Let me know if you need a sample aia file or apk. I’ll provide that too.


Nice extension

Yes brother please give sample AIA file

Nice extension.
keep it up! :boom:
And also please provide a sample apk or an aia file.

Cool extension
Can you add one more thing by which we can show anything as a toast
Like any component, so that we can ourself make professional looking toasts


Awesome work bro

Thank you all for your response, Glad you liked it :smiley:

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Nice extension!

Is it possible to set the image size eg: 60pixel by 60pixels for ShowImageAlert block? Maybe in a new version?

I’m new in kodular, i don’t know how to add .aix extension to Kodular, I think there is no option of .aix, kodular provide .aia & .ais

You can find the option of extension where all components have . Click on it and then click on import extension just simple

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See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.


yes i too need it

You can use this guide and show any Component/Arrangement anywhere on screen.