Not able to change color of side menu icon

I’m able to change the color of title bar text but im not able to set the color of side menu icon to white on title bar. I’m using Light theme and prefer to use light theme as date picker looks nice in light theme.
here is my title bar

And my blocks

Have you tried to set first the side menu and after that do the color change?

nope i will do that now and let you know.

Just tried now, but not working

Better create a custom menu bar using horizontal arrangements…

In Screen1 designer just set app theme as Light…
Hope it will work…:blush:

He already use it

Then i think custom is better

Okay what about the error can you confirm it by trying?

i will try building custom once the problem is confirmed.

Hello @abcd_efgh9971 Have you solve the issue?

If not use this method it is will completely solve your problem, I used this method to change the user theme color from White Theme to Dark Theme see the video here.

For your issue here is the blocks and an aia I just made it for you to show that it is posible to create a custom color with blocks.

as this method worked for me I know it will work for you too, please don’t forget to mark my post as Solution
menu_color.aia (2.4 KB)

See here I used the Button when clicks if the color is white then it changes to purple else it will change to white :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

You can use clock or button etc.


Make sure to use the right one


also build your app…


@Kodular maybe fix the bug in the themes…

It works but what are Options menu icon and Drawer Arrow icon ?And as stated bu @Lily solution also working fine but she used Drawer Arrow icon which is not working in mine, Navigation Icon color is working in my app,Its strange right ?What is the reason behind it ?

@Boban And also please update your answer Sidemenu icon isn't showing when setting title bar background to white in this so that one can find working solution in both questions.

Please be specifit what do you real want to change then I will help you in advance note :pinching_hand:

Hello @abcd_efgh9971 I see this was your solution that is nice :pray:

In my app, Drawer “Arrow Icon Color” block was not changing color of side bar menu icon but in your app it works but in my app i can change it by using “Navigation Icon Color”, I don’t know the reason behind it.

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You need to change your theme to default like this ,

set blocks

But you got a solution from @Boban right?