Not Implemented App Ideas

Hi Koders, I know this question has already been raised once or twice maybe, but the fact is that every idea I have has already been implemented. So I’d like to know if there in the world is some ideas website or something like that which can help have an insight.

Moderators, if this is an useless topic, fell free to unlist it.


To be honest, I am with you
I believe everything in this world is invented
Any “new” invention is just something which was improved from something that already exists

In fact, that is the base of Kodular
Drag-and-drop was already invented. What we did was just improve MIT App Inventor bringing new features



It’s true @Diego, finding Kodular, was the best thing that ever happened to me regarding programming. All these features have helped me a lot and I know I can use them, I just have to come up with a good idea, and I’m not worried about money, I just want to make something really useful.


Wow @Peter, 1286 ideas :astonished:, there must be something I can implement!

Start with an idea of an app that you would use yourself. A utillity or something and start from there.


Four of my Google Play apps are college projects that worked and I decided to upload them, and the other two are an enhancement of an app I made for the church band where I congregate to rehearse songs from the repertory. I’ll surely read all of those 1286 ideas and find something I can use myself, just like you suggested.


Also I’m trying to make apps which no one has made before. :smile:

No totally wrong if all was just Improvement then the new things could never take place like mobile computers it was like all it is.
The main thing is that we cannot think out of the box even if we wanted their must be a incident needed to get a idea as always but it is not like someone think out of the box.
Out of the box means a idea which is totally different from existing ideas.

See no one will share a idea which is not used yet even i keep all my ideas only upto me just think and think more about our world and its problems every invention was a solution to a problem but not useless. Yes few was made by accidents

If you agree then just work hard and tell me if it worked for you
Let it be keep thinking what should i implement

Maybe you misunderstood what I meant. I didn’t ask for someone to share his/her ideas with me, but to suggest me a website or sth like that, which could help me have an insight and come up with sth new and really useful.

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Wow why this happens everytime with me
Sorry to waste your time

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