Please give me some app ideas

I have made many apps through kodular, to make more I need some ideas. Does anyone have ideas to make a app which is unique and can be useful?

Tanmay Kulkarni 15

Forums app, like this kodular community, since biggest social app is facebook, but some forums are still highly active with thousands of users, espcially if they can create such topic, groupings e.t.c… then offer it in every school, you know students, when provide some interesting app/game you can get high volume of users, maybe the whole school or even the principal. hahahaha

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did you search the forum? this has been asked before. almost everything is asked before.

A simple answer can be -
Open koded apps category and find an appropriate app.
But do not steal them or copy app

I searched but I didn’t got an app which is useful or unique nowadays. Others are of that kind which i have already made. Please good me of you have

As you said you have made all kind of apps so what do you think about games?
What about Games???

if its unique then a public community is not the right way to find it. It is your own Brain

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I just asked for idea which currently not exist and should be implemented

This helped a lot!

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Thanks, I looked them and will surely make one of them

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