Notify when the tag does not exist in the firebase

Guys, how are you? In the excerpt below I use a TAG that is typed by the user to retrieve his records, so far so good, but if the “tag” he typed does not exist, how do I show an explanation for the error below?


Show your full blocks.

To avoid this error you can try if else statement when Firebase got value.

If get value = empty text box
Then call notifier to show alert
Else show the value in any label


did I understand what you said? what do I put in the if?


this is my firebase

this is my blocks

If the text box empty , it wont call firebase.
If the text box value do not match with firebase tag, it will return as no values found(i have used label but you can use notifier)

If the textbox text matches with tag mean it will return the value

Do you understand now?

If you miss any one block then the label will return the whole data

Fantástic @Still-learning !!!

Helped a lot

Thank you very much

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