[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

it is not the job of an extension developer to fix your errors… you should follow the documentation and if you have a problem, then what about posting a screenshot of your rlevant blocks?
and after looking into your activity, these are your only 2 contributions to this community… what a shame… I flagged your contributions now for moderator attention…



You reported the error: Notifications are not being sent from console, right? I just fixed it in 2 days, and you said this own that it worked. And read all the extension updates posts so you can see I fixes the extension error or not.

After removing the other extension, your app compiles so just look why the error is in FCM? Why don’t you ask another developer to fix it? Sometimes it just pisses me off that, why developers like you exist? You don’t want to do anything just want all from the developer. I asked for your AIA so I can check the issue, but you said do it and make an AIA own and even yours was just a sample AIA? Really? For just checking your issue now I have to create an AIA with the same extension as yours? If that’s it then I don’t care about you or anyone else that has the same thinking towards extension developers, just post whatever you want, I am not going to help you anymore.

In case if I lied anything,

Just focus on the last second message: “find your solution own if you can’t provide the aia” and instead of providing AIA, what did you do?

And if you say now that your AIA was not shareable because it was for production then see here you own stated that it is just a sample AIA:


Your app maybe crashing, PM me your APK so I can check the crash logs. One common reason of crashing is:

Wrong email provided at the time of purchase, make sure you have entered your right kodular email while purchasing the extension.


The extension is working perfectly, I just have to thank Sumit for his attention, now I just can’t fix the small icon in the notifications, Screenshot by Lightshot. I informed the small icon in Designer, as it wasn’t appearing in the notifications, I set it in the block like this: Screenshot by Lightshot and even then, it still doesn’t appear. Can someone please help me with this?

Your small icon does not seem suitable for notifications, you shall use a 24 * 24 (or some other size, I don’t know exactly) icon for notifications.
You can generate your icon here,


And note that not your all icons are supportable to be used as notification’s small icons.

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The recommend size is 96x96
The small icon must be in png format and have a transparent background.


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As per my knowledge, small icon size varies by device…

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I had made the icon in 64X64, png and transparent background, I will follow the instructions.

Thanks for the help and everyone. To solve the problem of the small icon appearing in the notifications, I had to edit the .apk with apk-editor-studio, but it finally worked. Screenshot by Lightshot

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What exactly did you edit?

hey, this update got me in trouble. I don’t have space for extension in free account anymore, and because it has 1.4mb, it has exceeded the data limit in assets. Couldn’t you have a leaner version for free users? @iamwsumit

Hi Taifun, first I went to Android Asset Studio - Notification icon generator and changed the name, uploaded the image to make my icon and downloaded the zipped file. I opened the .apk file with apk-editor-studio (can be any other) and threw the icons from the zipped file into res (note that it has several folders, keep them), then edited I opened the AndroidManifest.xml file and included the following lines after <application…/>:
lines.txt (270 Bytes)
The my_color_notification must be set in the values/colors.xml file (copy the last line and replace the command with my_color_notification or whatever you want). I copied the apk again and the icon started to appear.
Hope this helps.


FCM v1.5.1

A small update for the current v1.5.0 extension.



This event raises when notification is dismissed by the user in app foreground.


  • Firebase helper is removed again due to kodular free plan limits.
  • Extension size is now reduced to 323KB from 1.4MB.


Same file works for all the builder, the update has been pushed to AI2 Store.
Direct Link: https://ai2store.page.link/firebase-messaging

Thanks @Shreyash for helping me :pray:

Thank You
Sumit :wink:

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The last update didn’t work for me, the app crashes on startup. Had to revert back to version 1.4.7. Perhaps some incompatibility with the firebase components I use.

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I bought this extension and it is closing my app straight please fix it


Hi, please, I get the ProjectId from the firebase web, right?


I have same Problem with newest Version I bought from the AI2 Store - App Crashes at Start. Just made test Application only for test purposes with FCM - not working


same issue with me


Hi, is it possible to send notification to a device i want to?
something like this:
device1 sends notification “text” to device2

device2 receives
device1’s notification text