[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

Yes , It’s possible ! You send message using the tokem from user

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Need help! I bought the extension through the “AI2 Store” application, but when I put the extension in my project it closes my application

to find out more what happens, use logcat


Yes, I also had this problem. If you are using Firebase Auth there is a version that does not crash. Some other extensions may also experience this incompatibility error, in my case it was just this one.

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Great extension!!
I bought it and for now everything worked out here, thanks @iamwsumit for the contribution!

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Which aix import in kodular project?
In my case i am not using ads

Plz check the admanager aix


using this

and your extension app crash.

I have the same answer also for you:


Is there a video explaining the installation of these extension?

Hello, I used the paid firebase cloud messaging extension and I used the paid Admob core and I get an error com.android.sdklib.build.ApkCreationException: Failed to add /tmp/1676219658568_0.2358216266107812-0/youngandroidproject/…/build/tmp/classes2.dex I don’t know why and what is the solution please, I want to use Admob and firebase ads

I paid for the extension on the AI2 App Store but I get the message that I didn’t buy it. My Kodular account has the same email I used to purchase the extension… Can Sumit help me with this?

I have the same problem
Did you find a solution?

Firebase Push

I recently developed an admin app that works with this FCM Extension, allowing you to send and manage push notifications with ease. With this app, you can:

  • Send notifications to individual users or groups of users
  • Schedule notifications for a specific time
  • View and manage all saved application in one place
  • View and manage all saved notifications in one place
  • Test your push notification before sending to your users
  • And much more!

Note: - This application is completely free with no ads. This app is only available to the buyers of this extension.



You can download this APK along with FCM extension.

APK Size : 2 MB

How to buy :
You can buy this extension from AI2 Store
Deep Link for AI2 Store : Click Here

Sumit :wink:


Nice 100% fast work and also working with android 13

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It would be better to share an aia of the apk, how can I trust that my credentials are safe in this app. Please provide aia.

PS - I’ve purchased it

App is crashing as soon as I open it, what’s the solution?

Does it solved or What?

Same Problem

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Same Problem Even I had Paid