[Paid] Recycler Banner Ad View Extension

[Paid] Recycler Banner Ad View Extension

RecyclerBannerAdView is an advanced extension designed specifically for MIT App Inventor 2, enabling you to effortlessly integrate banner ads into your mobile applications. With this extension, you can seamlessly display a wide range of banner ads, including popular platforms like Google AdMob, directly within a recycler view. By leveraging the power of a recycler view, which efficiently manages the display and recycling of views, you can effortlessly showcase multiple banner ads within your app’s content, maximizing your revenue potential. You can easily customize the size, position, and appearance of the banner ads, ensuring they blend seamlessly with your app’s design. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to define the ad refresh interval, allowing you to control the frequency at which the ads are updated.

:sparkle: Initialize

You need to initialize the recycler view first.


  • layout - Set any view layout here.
  • layoutManager - Set layout manager using extension properties.
  • snapHelper - Set snap helper from extension properties.
  • data - Set item list.
  • adAfterItem - Set number to show ad after items.
  • adSize - Set ad size using extension properties or functions.
  • adUnitId - Set ad unit id for banner ad.
  • testMode - Set true for enable test ads.

:sparkle: Create View

Here you need to create your item view for binding it’s data on bind view event.


  • rootView - It’s return the root view.

:sparkle: Bind View

Here you need to bind data to created view.


  • rootView - It’s return the root view.
  • itemPosition - It’s return the position for item view.
  • dataItem - It’s return the item from given data list.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the position of adapter.

:sparkle: View Attached To Window

It’s triggered when view attached to window.


  • rootView - It’s return the root view.
  • itemPosition - It’s return the position for item view.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the position of adapter.

:sparkle: View Detached From Window

It’s triggered when view detached from window.


  • rootView - It’s return the root view.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the position of adapter.

:sparkle: Scroll State Changed

Event for scroll state change.


  • scrollState - It’s return the scrolling state.

:sparkle: Scrolled

Event for scrolled listener.


  • dx - It’s return the dx position.
  • dy - It’s return the dy position of screen.

:sparkle: Left Swiped

It’s triggered when item swiped right to left.


  • itemPosition - It’s return the position for item view.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the position of adapter.

:sparkle: Right Swiped

It’s triggered when item swiped left to right.


  • itemPosition - It’s return the position for item view.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the position of adapter.

:sparkle: Draaged

It’s triggered when item moved between them.


  • fromAdapterPosition - It’s return the from adapter position for item view.
  • toAdapterPosition - It’s return the to adapter position for item view.

:sparkle: Over Scrolled

It’s triggered when user over scrolling the list view.


  • state - It’s returning the state of over scrolled.
  • offset - It’s returning the over scrolled offset.

:sparkle: Ad Clicked

It’s triggered when user click on any banner ad.


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Closed


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Failed To Load

It’s triggered when ad failed to load.


  • error Message - It’s return the error message.
  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Loaded

It’s triggered when ad loaded.


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Opened

It’s triggered when ad is opened.


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Impression

It’s triggered when the ad count impression.


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Ad Swipe Gesture Clicked

It’s triggered for ad swipe gesture clicked.


  • adapterPosition - It’s return the adapter position of banner ad.

:sparkle: Scroll To Position

Use this method to scroll adapter to the item position.


  • itemPosition - Set item position.

:sparkle: Smooth Scroll To Position

Use this method to smoothly scroll to item position.


  • itemPosition - Set item position.

:sparkle: Stop Scroll

Use this method to manually stop scrolling.


:sparkle: Ad Gap Decorator

Use this method to add gap between items.


  • gap - Set gap as integer number.

:sparkle: Get Data

Use this method to get given data list.


:sparkle: Update Data

Use this method to update data with new or modified list.


  • data - Set data as list.

:sparkle: Update Data Smoothly

Use this method to update data smoothly.


  • data - Set data as list.

:sparkle: Notify Data Set Changed

You can use this function to manually notify the adapter to re-create all views after any changes to views.


:sparkle: Notify Item Changed

Use this function to notify the adapter for re-create view for given position.


  • adapterPosition - Set adapter position.

:sparkle: Notify Item Inserted

Use this function to notify adapter to add item to given position.


  • adapterPosition - Set adapter position.

:sparkle: Notify Item Removed

Use this function to notify adapter for remove item from given position.


  • adapterPosition - Set adapter position.

:sparkle: Notify Item Moved

Use this function to notify adapter for item moving by given positions.


  • fromAdapterPosition - Set item position from where to move item.
  • toAdapterPosition - Set item position to where to move item.

:sparkle: Notify Item Range Changed

Use this function to notify adapter for multiple items changed.


  • adapterPositionStart - Set start position.
  • itemCount - Set item count.

:sparkle: Notify Item Range Inserted

Use this function to notify adapter for multiple items insertion.


  • adapterPositionStart - Set start position.
  • itemCount - Set item count.

:sparkle: Notify Item Range Removed

Use this function to notify adapter for multiple items removed.


  • adapterPositionStart - Set start position.
  • itemCount - Set item count.

:sparkle: Item Position

Get item position by adapter position.


  • adapterPosition - Set adapter position.

Adapter Position

Get adapter position by item position.


  • itemPosition - Set item position.

:sparkle: Get Root View

Use this function to get root view by child view.


  • view - Set child view.

:sparkle: Get Adapter Position

Use this function to get item position by root view.


  • rootView - Set root view.

:sparkle: Create Component

Use this function to create dynamic views.


  • view - Set view where to create new view.
  • name - Set the name of component to create view.
  • tag - Set tag for view.
  • properties - Set properties for view.

:sparkle: Create Template

Use this function to create dynamic views using JSON template.


  • view - Set view where to create new views.
  • template - Set template to create views.
  • parameters - Set parameters for dynamic views.

:sparkle: Set Properties

Use this function to set properties for any dynamic view.


  • view - Set view to apply properties.
  • properties - Set properties.

:sparkle: Set Unique Id

Use this function to set unique id to view. It’s required to use click listener.


  • view Set view to apply unique id.
  • id - Set id for view.

:sparkle: Get Unique Id

Use this function to get unique id for any view.


  • view - Set view to get unique id.

:sparkle: Get Component

Use this function to get child view from parent view by it’s tag.


  • view - Set the child view.
  • tag - Set tag to find parent view.

:sparkle: Is Dynamic

It’s returning true if the view is created dynamically.


  • view - Set view.

:sparkle: Get Component Name

It’s returning the name of component. You can use this function to get the actual name of in-built components.


  • component - Set any in-build component to get it’s name.

:sparkle: Animate View On Click

Use this function to animate root view when clicked.


  • rootView - Set view to animate.
  • duration - Set duration in milliseconds.

:sparkle: Linear Layout Manager

Use this function to create linear layout manager for initialize recycler view.


  • orientation - Set orientation for recycler view from extension properties.
  • reverseLayout - Set boolean value here. Set true to show list in reverse order.

:sparkle: Grid Layout Manager

Use this function to create grid layout manager for initialize recycler view.


  • spanCount - Set span count as integer number. Span count is for create items per row.
  • orientation - Set orientation for recycler view from extension properties.
  • reverseLayout - Set boolean value here. Set true to show list in reverse order.

:sparkle: Staggered Grid Layout Manager

Use this function to create staggered grid layout manager for initialize recycler view.


  • spanCount - Set span count as integer number. Span count is for create items per row.
  • orientation - Set orientation for recycler view from extension properties.

:sparkle: Ad Size

Set ad size using this properties & functions.

:sparkle: Get Adapter Position

Using this properties you can get adapter position.


:sparkle: Orientation

Set recycler view orientation using this properties.


:sparkle: Snap Helper

To create snap helper use this properties.


:sparkle: Scroll State

To handle scroll state use this properties.


:sparkle: Left Swipable

Set true to enable left swipe on items.



:sparkle: Swipe Left Background Color

Change background color of left swiped view.



:sparkle: Swipe Left Label Color

Change the label color of swiped left label text.



:sparkle: Swipe Left Label

Change swipe left label text. Make it empty to disable swipe left label text.



:sparkle: Swipe Left Label Size

Change swipe left label text size.



:sparkle: Swipe Left Icon

Set image on swipe left view. Make it empty to disable swipe left icon.



:sparkle: Right Swipable

Set true to enable right swipe.



:sparkle: Swipe Right Background Color

Change background color of right swiped view.



:sparkle: Swipe Right Label Color

Change the label color of swiped view.



:sparkle: Swipe Right Label

Change the text for swipe right text. Make it empty to disable swipe right label.



:sparkle: Swipe Right Label Size

Change the text size of swipe right label.



:sparkle: Swipe Right Icon

Set the swipe right icon, set None or make it empty to disable swipe right icon.



:sparkle: Draggable

Set true to enable dragging items between them.



:sparkle: Fixed Size

Set true to improve performance.



:sparkle: Nested Scrolling

Set false to improve scrolling.



:sparkle: Over Scroll

Set true to enable over scroll effect.



:sparkle: Animation Duration

Set item animation duration in milliseconds.



:sparkle: AlwaysAnimate

Set false to animate only on first scroll.



:sparkle: Item Animator

Chage item animation from available animations.



:sparkle: Available Animations

Total 51+ animations are available. More animations will be added soon.

Demo blocks

Demo output

RecyclerBannerAdView (1)

:tv: Tutorial Video

:receipt: Extension Specifications

:android: SDK: 22.1.0
:man_lifting_weights: Size: 96.3 KB
:coin: Price: $10 (One time purchase only)
:coin: Price: $15 (Lifetime support + minor updates)
:coin: Price: $25 (Lifetime support + major + minor updates)
:earth_americas: Released On: 20 June 2023 (GMT+06:00)
:earth_americas: Updated On: 21 June 2023 (GMT+06:00)


:laughing: :joy:


Added demo blocks & demo output at the end of the main topic.

Do you have an APK where users can test your extension?

I’m planning to upload videos about how it’s works.

I don’t think videos are enough for paid extensions. How are users going to trust you on whether your extension works?

I hope I can upload demo apk later, but also I hope that tutorial videos is enough for trust on me. Isn’t it?

You should always provide .apk file so that the developer can get a first hand experience of your work. Videos will help him/her integrate your extension.

Jewel, Any new user on this community won’t automatically trust you let alone the old users. Always provide apk so that tester can judge for himself. For better transparency.

Tutorial video is added at the end of the main topic.
I’ll try to share demo apk later.

1 Like

Good Work @JEWEL keep it up …:+1::+1::+1::+1:

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But according to Google polices we can’t place Baner ads on recycler view.

Can you add native ad instead of banner.

Your information is wrong, you can add banner ads into recycler view.
I’ll launch new aix for Native ad view into recycler view.

1 Like

I want to purchase this, can I pay with bKash?

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I’ve text you on WhatsApp, please reply there ←

I’ve received the extension, also I’ve tested with sample aia, and it’s working fine.
Great job @JEWEL :+1:


Very Nice Extension But Prices are So High…

This extension has different prices, choose with your need. You’ve to look at it’s features.