Pdf file from assets does not show after building app

Hello koders,i have an pdf file that size is 8 mb. If i upload it in asset then after built the app that is unavailable in asset. So how can i solved this problem.

Did you try this

I am trying to upload my file in Asset

Yes you didn’t read this carefully and watch video


You mean the pdf file is not in assets, do a quick test use winrar or 7zip


Never tried to have such large files so I don’t know

That is only if you have apk bigger than 32MB

USE this Extentions Pathtoassets

Extrntion Link

You should read the note from Taifun for that block

Note: this method will work only for the webviewer component. It does not make sense to use it for other components!


Just tried it and it seems that big pdf files are not exported but small ones do, either download or as suggested by @ShaikhSajidAli (sorry for the previous post but you were right)

Same procedure as here: Cant remove screen


Tnx for solution


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