Please add LocalDB for storing data in table format(CSV)

Please add LocalDB for storing data in table format(CSV) as a database just like thunkable x
this componet is missing in kodular. If it is added this is very useful for add,retrieve large data easily by column and row.
Please add or suggest another way to store data offline in a table format

How large is your data set? Have you looked at SQLite. SQLite actually interfaces with a native SQL database that is on the Android platform.

While not elegent, I have TinyDB working as a CSV type database. However my dataset is only 30 or so lines.

SQLite might be overkill as it requires a proper query structure. But once you have it setup, it can be very robust. The reason I did not use it, is that I did not need that lvel of complexity. I only had to be able to do a record search, on any row containing a particular piece of info in TinyDB.

For your info here are my blocks for a TinyDB Search. I hope this gives you some ideas on other options.

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