Please Help I want to read set and Get data specific cell at my google spreadsheets

Please Help I want to read set and Get data specific cell at my google spreadsheets . I’have reader topics here please help me in start. Thanks

What have you tried so far?

this the sheet im trying to input data from my app and in response like to receive data from cells

Just a start

This is the first thing I like to do.I already deploy the script into here is the example.
function doGet(e) {

return ManageSheet(e);


function doPost(e) {

return ManageSheet(e);


function ManageSheet(e) {


if (e.parameter.func == “Create”) {

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

var sh = ss.getSheets()[0];

var data =[e.parameter.C, e.parameter.D,e.parameter.E];


return ContentService.createTextOutput(“Success”);



Are you using default spreadsheet component?

Hi! Welcome to Kodular Community :wave:

The Spreadsheet component uses the Airtable API, which is somewhat similar to Google Spreadsheet

The method I suggest is to use the Web Component to interact with your Spreadsheet, there are many tutorials here in the community!


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yes im using default extension

thanks im working on it

I still don’t know where to start. Please Help me

Is other functions are working? Like calling data’s and writing in rows or columns??

yes those works for me but randomly not writing at specific cells

I always use this script code method and it works very well (Thanks & credit to @TimAi2 )

BTW, where so the spreadsheet component is there? i am unable to find it in default components

I can able to write in ROWS, Colums as well as in any cell…

yes there is avaialble one

show me the place…

Sorry to say, you are trying to write in AIRTABLE and not in google sheet…


This Spreadsheet component is doesnot mean the google sheet but it means Airtable

Okey I have used your given AIA and Script . now I’m able to send and receive values. Everything.
In my sheet as you can see there are multiple selection like 1.5mm black sheet 2mm black sheet etc. i like to categories.

  1. User will select the RAW Material first
  2. Type of cutting if this is a BOX cutting application will further ask Length width and Height
  3. Application further ask Machine Total Run time (save value to that cell)
  4. Labor cost
  5. Designing cost
    6 .Answer in Rupees . (Cell will be updated according to given input values)

This is not a big matter… just a mathematical equations only… if you have tried anything so for, please provide the demo AIA either here or in pm to me… we could try to fix it…

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i have just tired tested your demo . other than that ihavenot tired anything else . sorry