Problem kodular screen refreshes in a loop

screen 2 screen refreshes in a loop
it’s the first time I ask a question I’m still looking for the answers in the forums but I haven’t found an answer for this problem

I want to create a simple app to display a website I use webviewer.
the app contains two Screens

  • Screen 1 contains a small welcome message and check if the connection is active, then it go to screen 2.
    I used two kodular accounts on two different projects but the problem remains the same, I deleted the first project and started a new one but nothing changes.
    to check if the problem comes from a specific block i check the apk after each block when i finish i add blocks to do tests but i delete them after the tests but i find that the problem comes back, i don’t know how it happens.
    je ne sais pas si le problème viens des bloques que j’ai testé et supprimé.
    i don’t use extention.

I put the .aia file for test and a video to see problem

tes1.aia (188.0 KB)

In screen1 the clock you used.
You have disabled the timer which you used to open the screen 2

Correct.aia (187.9 KB)

Your correct aia


thank you,
I’m going to test.

You mean he never disabled the clock


Ya correct… Sorry for wrong sentence… 🤦‍♂

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: yes I forgot,
seeing you say it like that makes me feel like an idiot. :sweat_smile:

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We are only humans and we make mistakes


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