Push Notifications Consent GDPR

OneSignal writes:
" For EU GDPR compliance in particular, we recommend displaying a dialog to users and having them provide unambiguous consent for data to be shared with OneSignal (and any other services you send personal data to).

To simplify this process, we’ve introduced an optional method to each of our SDKs to delay initialization and prevent any data from being sent to OneSignal until the user has provided consent.

Your application should call this method before initialization of the SDK. If you pass in true , your application will need to call provideConsent(true) before the OneSignal SDK gets fully initialized."

Can someone tell me which blocks to use?

When opening the app for the first time, the user will receive information that OneSignal is being used. If he does not agree, the app closes. (only “agree” is possible, there is no “I decline”). But I have to make sure that as long as the Notifier is displayed and the user has not accepted, OneSignal does not collect any data.

Just create a dialog yourself. Ask the user for consent. Then do whatever you want.

I’ve already made this. How does OneSignal recognize it?

They don’t.
Just use onesignal methods only if you have the user consent.

Ok. I made this exact this way. BUT: I have to set OneSignal component into Screen1. So:
“Your application should call this method before initialization of the SDK. If you pass in true , your application will need to call provideConsent(true) before the OneSignal SDK gets fully initialized.”

how to do this?

Until we provide such a block in the future there is no way for you to do it.

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Thanks so far!

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