Reduce image in size and pixels

is there any Kodular block or extension, that I can decrease the size of an image and thus decrease its Pixels, without cutting the image in the center? The idea here is to take a 5Mb image and bring it to Kb. and its reduced size within a size of 100x100pixels.
The Image Editor Block does this, but it takes the center of the image. I need the image to be reduced in size, without using only its center.

what exactly does that mean?
you can try the Resize or the Scale method from the image extension


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I found this here in searches, App Inventor Extensions: Image | Pura Vida Apps, but my images are all in png Is there any Kodular block that I can get before saving to Storage transform from PNG to JPG?

or better yet, would it be possible for this extension to also serve png images? Because of the error if the image is png


very good… it is by the way the same link as mentioned in my last post… :wink:

currently these methods are only available for jpg images, one day I probably will add png suport…


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