Schema Generator - JSON Schema Generator for Dynamic Components

Hello Everyone,

I’m Sumit Kumar, I am here to introduce

Github Page

This is a single web page tool that I have designed, this will help you generate JSON schema for dynamic components extension without any python or PC. This is a very easy tool that generate schema in 3 seconds!

How to use

It works same as the normal python schema generator by Yusuf Cihan.

  • Create a design in your AIA and export it.

    Note: Do not include any extra component in your design, it may affect the schema.

  • Upload to the generator and enter the screen name.


  • Click on Generate button and your schema will be generated instantly.

Generated Schema

Select it and copy it, then you can use it with the dynamic component!

  "name": "Generated Templated",
  "metadata-version": 1,
  "extension_version": 5,
  "author": "Sumit Kumar",
  "platforms": [
    "App Inventor",
  "extensions": {
    "DevYBImageLoader": "com.devyb.devybimageloader.DevYBImageLoader",
    "DynamicComponents": "com.yusufcihan.DynamicComponents.DynamicComponents"
  "keys": [
  "components": [
      "id": "Card_View1{id}",
      "type": "MakeroidCardView",
      "properties": {
        "ContentPaddingLeft": 15,
        "CornerRadius": 5,
        "Elevation": 5,
        "Width": -2
      "components": [
          "id": "Horizontal_Arrangement1{id}",
          "type": "HorizontalArrangement",
          "properties": {
            "AlignVertical": 2,
            "Width": -2
          "components": [
              "id": "icon{id}",
              "type": "Image",
              "properties": {
                "Height": 40,
                "Width": 40,
                "Picture": "profile.png",
                "ScalePictureToFit": true
              "id": "Space1{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Width": 10
              "id": "name{id}",
              "type": "Label",
              "properties": {
                "Text": "{name}"
              "id": "Space2{id}",
              "type": "SpaceView",
              "properties": {
                "Width": -2
              "id": "button{id}",
              "type": "Button",
              "properties": {
                "Text": "{text}"



This tool performs all operations in your browser locally so your AIA is not uploaded anywhere and it is safe.

Open Source


You can report the issues and can share your thought on it!

Telegram | Contact Me

Thank You
Sumit Kumar


I appreciate your effort, but note that all uploaded project files are uploaded to your server, which means you can store, inspect, share and see contents of the projects. I’m not saying you are doing that, but I’m saying you have the ability to do that, because the user never knows what happens in the background, and you can always change the server code at any time.


Instead, I recommend people to use (and to encourage using) the official template generator tool, as project files won’t be transmitted to the network. There is also a work-in-progress (that’s why it is not announced anywhere yet) official online tool which does the scheme generation in browser, locally, no servers involved with the source code you can find here.


Already mentioned, looks like you did not read the whole topic:

1 Like

I already read the topic, and sorry if I caused any confusion, what I meant is to wanting people to prefer offline/local solutions (regardless of who made it), so this also comes with the trust to use with their “important” projects.

P.S: Also, the notice not exists on the website itself, so users still can upload their projects without knowing anything.

No need for sorry, just remove that part from the post that’s creating the confusion. The files are automatically terminated from the server every 60 minutes by a cron job.

Thanks, I will add a notice ASAP.

I just don’t know much JS that’s why I made it with PHP.


Schema Generator V2

Now generator does not use PHP to generate schema, java script is used to generate your schema locally in your browser, now your AIAs are not uploaded anywhere so you can use any AIA that you want.

Alternate Page

Open Source

You can check the source code of this tool on github.

Thank You
Sumit Kumar


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