Strange… It showed that you edited the title. Anyway, moving the Demo video outside the details tag made it visible anyway. Still, thanks!
Good idea!
I was thinking, if you save only a canvas image, then someone makes an extension that can take a list of image files and turn it into a gif, you could make a cool animator!
See Juan Antonio’s gif extension (which can make a gif from images)
Sorry on further reading, this extension decompiles a gif to individual frames, not the other way
You’re absolutely correct. However I merely chose a Canvas to show that changes are indeed recorded by Rekorder. It will work with whatever is on the screen (barring some components like Circular Progress Bar, which vanish magically).
Something to note: Rekorder doesn’t need the Canvas; it’s just a way to create large noticeable changes between subsequent frames. The actual Recording would happen irrespective of what components are being shown.
Thought I would have a play with this and built this up over on AppInventor, using @Taifun 's Screenshot extension. Took a different approach and used a clock to fire the screenshots (the main reason being when I ran your blocks in my genymotion emulator I was getting 60 fps!), added a timer selector, and some stats after stopping. I also added a delete images, to help clean up the sdcard Uploaded to Kodular and it works just as well. I am finding on devices I am getting between 4.5 and 7 fps, would like to see it up nearer 10 but the shotter just can’t go any quicker!
ScreenGifferNew.aia (15.0 KB)
Screen Rekorder’s first prototype actually used a Timer to lock FPS at 25. I had to implement VRR to improve the stability.
I’m intrigued by your test results to say the least (it’s GREAT to see others join my outlandish projects! ) and will see what framerates I get on Android Studio. Btw Screen Rekorder R2 has an Average FPS meter.
Screen Rekorder R2 Changelog:
- Added Average FPS meter for benchmarking your device.
- Added a “Clean Up” menu item to remove the Rekorder files in one click.
Further developments…
Juan Antonio has kindly made an extension to “make a gif” (Many thanks Juan!)
I incorporated it into my first effort, and display the resultant gif in a webviewer
(the aia and blocks are done in AI2)
ScreenGifferNewAI2.aia (65.8 KB)
Also (@Italo) I revised things to use Jerin Jacob’s Component 2 Image extension, to capture just the canvas component (inside a vertical arrangement)
(again in AI2)
CanvasGiffer.aia (42.6 KB)
A Canvas Recorder is infinitely more simple (and efficient) than a Screen Recorder. You can have basically 100% efficiency on a Canvas Recorder, due to the different implementation. A Screen Recorder though… Oof.
Btw, A Pixel 3 VM (API 29) on the Android Studio Emulator bags me a whopping 5 FPS (on a decent laptop mind you), so I’m guessing GenyMotion has some serious optimization. Too bad it has no free version.
There is a free version, you just have to know where to look!
And here I was thinking it’s purely Enterprise software! Thank you!!!
Please try MEMU Play. It’s the fastest emulator I’ve ever tried. Genymotion is good too, but is huge in size.
Windows only… (no Mac or Linux)
This is the kind of app I was thinking when I though about recording the canvas only:
Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you don’t use Windows.
Looks doable, would take a fair bit of work though
Something like saving the canvas in frames and letting the user see the previous frame in grey instead of black as a temporary overlay or background to help draw the next frame.
Then save all the frames as gifs. It could be a cool animator for cartoonists.
[Working] I can’t download any file APK or AIA please update links