ScreenRecorder: An extension for screen recording

Latest version (v1.3) is now compatible with Android 11.

But not with Kodular.
I am continuously getting AAPT Execution failed error.

ScreenRecorder.aia (68.0 KB)


8 posts were split to a new topic: AAPT execution failed

It is not clear

Did you notice that fps is set to 30?

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Yes @vknow360

Then set it to 60 or 90(looks good on my phone) or 120.

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App crashing on my android 10

Is that enough for me to find what’s wrong?

When i am using your apk (dowloaded from google drive) then it is working fine, but when i am importing AIA file (version 1.3) and exporting apk, then this apk is crashing on my android 10 (on landing page clicking on start button app is crashing / stop responding)

Then create a new aia from scratch or post the logs here.

All permissions are must so make sure you haven’t denied them. Also check file path.


Oh wait.
@Sourav_Paul go to file manager and search for Logging.txt.
If you can find that then post here.

How can I save the record in my device? I don’t know which blocks I have to use.

Try the example project


Hello, I have a problem

Can anybody help me?..

  1. Extension doesn’t work in companion.
  2. Use this aix:
    com.sunny.ScreenRecorder (1).aix (27.2 KB)