Select Textbox problem

Hello! When someone clicks on different textboxes, the color of the arrangement in which they are, to change, as if selecting them. The problem occurs when someone double-clicks on the same textbox, its color does not change. Ideas? I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself understood, I’ll leave the blocks and the project here. Thanks!

test.aia (49.4 KB)

When text box 1 got focus do arrangement colour to x and other arrangements background colour to y.

When textbox 2 got focus do arrangement colour to x and other arrangements background colour to y.

Same wise do for all text boxes.

I want the other selected text boxes to remain selected

Ummm… something like this? :point_down:

What does that mean?
The focus cannot be in several places at the same time.

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No, but how did you do that?

So what’s your exact need?

The first time you press a textbox it turns blue, the second time you press it it should turn white

For this :point_up: I simply changed the blocks in else if part of procedure

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