Separate text from given data

data 1: “Akash Sharma 123456789 [email protected] qwerty”

data 2:" Sanket 987456 [email protected] asdfgh"

data 3 :“Nitin varma 444444444 [email protected]

change taxt to all the text lable

Name 1 : Akash Sharma

name 2: Sanket

name 3 : Nitin varma

similarly saparate email number and client id

I tried things:

  1. create globle name - create empty list

  2. when got firebase value : data text -split text - value at “space”

  3. add item to list- list : goloble name, itme new data after split

  4. set list view element to - globle name

but data is not spliting. data remain in single line

save all the detailsin fb as a lists, then recover it using select list item from the list…

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Store values like this Akash [email protected]

Then split at +
Like this :

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