Server busy error when exporting (Build Failed, Error writing to server)

Please try it fast. Till the error shows i cant export the file

Question: Is it not possible to launch an external compiler for download, since it is possible to export the aia to the computer?

This would make the devs who still trust the kodular (like me) not be so dependent on a system that has more and more frequent errors.

Yes, I know that Vishwas said that they know what the problem is, and that it will be fixed. But he also said that there is no forecast for that to happen.

And who guarantees that future mistakes will not happen?

An external compiler would be excellent for everyone, including the Kodular team, and unless there is a plausible justification for not doing it, I think it should be done.

Today the situation is more ridiculous than ever.

Iā€™ve tried more than 100 times to compile and the frustration is always the same.

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Weā€™ll have to wait till the next release of Kodular. And also if they launch an external compiler they will use the same library which is causing the trouble and resulting in server down

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But wouldnā€™t it be possible to use a previous stable version?

Or launch a temporary release just with fixing the problematic library?

Iā€™m sure it would help soooo many peopleā€¦

Another solution is to make one of the servers automatically restart every 15 minutes, even if it is working well.

Every hour we would have all 4 always restarted and working.

I know it is not very functional, but it would be a temporary solution.

I hope the Kodular team does not get bored with things I say, but Iā€™m just trying to help find a solution, even if provisional.

I think that this is the only version. they havenā€™t updates the build server, sometimes old libraries cause trouble when updates, so itā€™s not possible to rollback the previous version because this is the only version (neither old nor new).

The second solution is to launch a temporary release just with fixing the problematic library, I also asked @Vishwas about the same but maybe the team is planning something else, the only solution is to wait till the new release.

And yes as @dvdrothen also said that we can add a watchdog to restart the server automatically, but again team is planning something else, letā€™s see!

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Do{While} :grinning:

Thank you for your explanations.

And then the only way is to wait for the solutions from the Kodular team.

They will surely know the best solution to get the system back up and running as soon as possible, even if temporarily until the new release is done.

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Working perfectly :hugs:

@Vishwas Servers got started up but the app compiler stuck on 45% as companion like 20%

Systems working perfectly.

Once again I thank the Kodular team for the surgical precision in correcting the problems.

Use Firefox Browserā€¦

I said the compiler wonā€™t work for me it stucks at 45% also after server got online like companion stucks at 20%

that happens with me when i use Chrome. When i use Firefox works fine

Does this happens with every app

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Sometimes it takes a while at 45% (I donā€™t know if itā€™s because my project is quite complex), but when the servers are online, it has worked.

I just compiled it right now ā€¦

I donā€™t know for every app, I checked some apps and they all got stucks at 45%. I checked them for 15 min gap.But not any got compiled.

It takes time to cross between 40-65%. Once crossed , your apk is ready. Just now I compiled an apk

After a while, It got successfully compiled.

I think the developers do a temporary solution for build system till release because of too many users were disapointed.
I think this because the speed of compiling is very decrease from before.


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