Share app with friends and family

My app is public on google play store but i want to share it, how to share

There is no share option in my app. Please help.

This happens when you go to Play Store from within settings > app >app info (depending upon your OS).
If you go directly to Play Store (not from app info of installed app) and search for the app, you can find the “share” option.

i see now . Thanks for your reply

App is coming in search but not share option

you can just send your app package

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And is this question related to kodular :thinking:

You have zero downloads, you want to share it with family and it has ads.
You are increasing your chances of getting ad limit.
My advice - Don’t use ads till atleast 30-40 daily downloads.

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I have ads limite in my account from the first 3 months. I just want to see share option. I am using test ads

This question is not related to Kodular, but it has a solution.