Sidemenu problem

Hi I just using makeroid feature of Sidemenu,

I have 2 screens
Screen1 and Screen2

and I create a block when button1 (on sidemenu) click will show notification and move to Screen2
the problem is, when I get back to Screen1, my block (show notification when button1 clicked) won’t run

any block that I missed ?



Maybe it would be helpfull if you show us your blocks.

Show me your block now please

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Show me your blocks

You are using the close Screen block in Control section, right?

Screen1’s Block

and this is Screen2’s block

I can click Button1 on Screen2 and goes back to Screen1, but when it wont respond anything when I click Button8 again.

I try to put close screen after open another screen (screen1)
but the app looping on screen2

See tip 1

Don’t EVER open Screen1 to go back, unless you close it while switching.

Ok thanks for the information.

Because on the others platform I usually switch back and forth between the screen using the method Open Screen

@Peter thanks for the tips, but I know about the screen tips, and my app needs to have multiple screen.

Think of the screens as Tetris blocks. You should clean the lower layers before stacking up, or else you reach the top and boom. Game Over.

aka Java OutOfMemory Error

actually here is how to properly close an screen.

if closed you need to use open another screen block again to open screen 1 back

this is my last AIA with the exact procedureSLIDEMENU.aia (3.0 KB)

My Screen1

My Screen2

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we are using this one

If this don’t work for you contact @Kodular staffs for further assistant

Ok thank you guys for your helps,

Hope they have solution for this problem, and I really hope they do.

And another information might be useful to debug.

the problem wont arise when I am not using the sidemenu

so When there is no side menu involve, then I can go back and forth without any problem.

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hope the problem is caused due to side menu

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I have testet current your aia.

  1. Open app
  2. Open menu click on button
  3. Now is screen 2 open.
  4. Now I click on Screen 2 on the button 2
  5. Now I’m back on screen 1

And I can do above in a loop without any crash on my phone.

Btw, have you tried it with companion or as real apk?

Can you try to press the button on screen 1
After point no 5?
On my companion the button won’t respond (doesn’t go to screen 2) after point no 5.

I’m using companion, haven’t tested with real apk