General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor/Kodular

  1. Use different screens wisely
    Before starting to create another screen, first you should think about is it really necessary? See also Building apps with many screens and SteveJG’s post about advantages/disadvantages, because in only one screen you also can use vertical arrangements to simulate different screens, just set the arrangements to visible = true/false as needed…
    If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while… The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor

  2. App Inventor works best if you use images whose size matches the size you want them to appear on your screen. If you import larger images into your app, your app may run out of system memory. Using Images with App Inventor

    by @Italo
    First, you need to understand that the file size of an image is not the amount of memory it uses when it’s being displayed. The file size is the compressed size, much like a zip or rar file. When viewed, the image needs to be decompressed.
    For example, if your image says its file size is 100 kb, and its dimensions are 1024 x 768, 32 bit color, then that image uses over 3 mb of RAM (not 100 kb!) when you show it on the screen. ((1024 * 768 ) * 32) / 8 = 3,145,728 kb (3 mb)

    Now, this is a mistake most people make when using arrangements as “virtual screens”: They set different image components with their images loaded but hidden, instead of having only one image component and changing the picture according to the user’s selection or app events, not knowing that apparently the hidden image components are also using the ram, (yes, even though they are invisible!).

  3. Avoid redundancy
    Probably it helps to read chapter 19 - 21 in Dave’s book App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps to get an idea how to do DRY programming with App Inventor - Don’t repeat yourself

  4. See SteveJG’s monster list of tips and tricks

  5. How to overcome the App Inventor or Kodular project limit

  6. Backup your project frequently


How to switch screens correctly
Save screen state
ANRs & Crashes Problem
App crashing: Runtime error
Getting error when getting data from spreadsheet
TinyDB loses the data
App with several Screens
Help please - How do I send values to another screen
How can i switch screen with different way
When I Use High Quality Image in Splash Screen Then My App Is too much crashing
Storing Data to TinyDB behaves strangely! Is it a bug?
Can use 20 to 25 screen in my app
Restart the Application with a button or method?
Radio does not turn off, audio diplomatic
Too many screens
Screen Not coping
App is crashing everytime
Amazing app work done by me
App is crashing everytime
I created a big project on kodular and now its taking so much time to open it why?
Coming empty string error
How to use card view extension?
#Kodular Project is Slowing Down...!
App always crash when startup
How to add multiple images as button on one screen?
App crashes when installed but not in live companion testing?
Erro compilation in my project
Jpg more 4000 px width
OutOfMemoryError while using REAL DEVICE
My App is crashing
My App is crashing
Kodular getting slower
App taking 48 mb after install
How can I use variables in several screens?
Is there any variable which can be access from everyscreen
Problems with custom app themes
After 11 screen what will happen?
After 11 screen what will happen?
What is it ? someone help me
Minimal Wallpaper app ui
How do i take details stored in text boxes from one screen to another?
Erro e encerramento do app
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 63701004 byte allocation with 33550904 free bytes and 55MB until OOM
Second page doesn't open
Help me i have problem with notify
App automatically closing upon changing screen [SOLVED]
Reduced Screen1 startup time
Changed selected colour images in bottom navigation
Testing App to publish
Use Swipe Card View Text & Image
Trying from last 2 days.....did no change in app.....earlier it was exporting properly
Crash of the App - Probably due Screen swapping?
Too many crashes after app update!
App crashing: Runtime error
Use Second Screen
How to do a list
Razorpay payment
Need help on such huge error
Cant copy screen showing server error
Store PDF in the application itself
Companion crash in Android 6.0.1
Unfortunately app has stopped error on screen switch
Help me on this problem, DX execution failed, too many screens
After app activity resumed the app is going back to screen1 automatically
Side Menu - Simplest way to use the component
Make application faster
I want to edit title bar the current screen then other screen auto update
YAIL compiler - DX execution failed
Having runtime error
Screen Confusion... Which one to use and why
Why Kodular Cannot Save Last 10 to 8 Minute Of My Project Blocks In Every Session, Still I have A Good Network Connection
OutOfMemory error
Return to an already opened screen
How can i save response json api file to use it in multiple screens
I’m not able to compile the app. Server error
I’m not able to compile the app. Server error
Failed to compile
Loading Time Too Long?
Kodular is unable to compile this project. The compiler error output was
Kodular is unable to compile this project. The compiler error output was
Lock Bottom Navigation bar for every screen
Export apk doesn't work... "invoking AAPT"
What is the error message java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: ... about?
What are screens needed for?
Side Menu Layout component (Image header)
I want to receive data from other screen
How to send images from screen 1 to screen 2
How to exchange data between screens
A specific project does not load on the platform. What can it be?
DX execution failed
App Keeps Crashing
Is it possible to display a timer in multiple screens and still be functional?
Server Error, Could not upload project
App opens directly to app info screen
Why do I only fail with 13 screens
I want to edit title bar the current screen then other screen auto update
Save everything when the app is closed
Runtime error why sometimes this error is coming if i get all downloaded pdf from storage (google drive) in list
Detect touch up when already touching down after screens transition
I am getting error in my app "Failed to allocate"
LISTVIEW - variable, tinydb
Slow loading screen
Kodular give error when use more than 50 pictures
Error Download .APK
App crashing when open another screen with start value btn is clicked
"Ooops! We tripped on a Bug!" message and "DX execution failed" error
OOM Exception : Runtime Error stack size 8MB
Is there a block limit?
How many screens
Bluetooth Client Question
Image listview issues
How to add event,text to datepicker date
Screens changed the order when after saving and closing the app
RUNTIME ERROR : failed to allocate 1048588 byte allocation with 285152 with free bytes and 278 KB until OOM
Audio plays twice between screens
I want to backpress screen to previous screen
"Compilation error"
Other screen closed event issue
Free, Bug when copying to screens
Think kodular should update its site
Can i use 30 screens in one app?if i do then what would be
My app is automatically stopping this is the report
Another bug on kodular
Compiling Source Files Error while trying to export an apk or bundle
How does Kodular maintain screens, really?
Run time exception error
My app getting closed when open another screen
Filed to allocate a 7480012 byte allocation with 2824120 free bytes and 2mb until OOM
Why not unlimited screen for kodular premium?
IntentFilterInfo : BroadcastReceiver
Help block command a screen display list by button
I can't generate apk
Waiting for the download link
How to back press in one screen for all screen?
View_flipper stuck my app when i call images from airtable
How to count the dose?
Error when opening with many screens
Help! error 507 when changing the screen
A problem with my premium membership
A problem with my premium membership
If the textbox content is full, the button color will be red
Enhancer : A powerful tool to change API level, inject assets, dex, manifest, resources & native (.so) libraries and sign the APK
How to link between pages?
Same Variables two different scene
Buliding Problem
Added screen and photo dimensions
My application closes by itself
Application crashes on specific screen
DX execution failed
Problem with card viewer extension please help me
Logs for finding crash reasons
What is this error is about?
What is this error is about?
Problem with card viewer extension please help me
Any way to close a screen that was left open?
Makeroid is hanging when I use 6 or 7 screen
Sidemenu problem
Can't use the firebase auth extension
Is it normal having a 8 seconds splash screen?
My app is crashing for few users
Builder slow with many blocks
The ability to create more than 10 screens
App is crashing on openning a new screen through button
[Global Variable] Use a global variable for all the screens?
Sound not function after export to apk file
How do I use a 'template' screen as background for all my app screens?
Apk file is not working after export
How many Screens

How many screens you advice which will not cause memory issues ?


The first tip answers your query right away :point_down:

Follow the other links given in the first tip itself, to find more information!

3 posts were split to a new topic: I want my label to become visible slowly how can i do it