Some bugs and Wanted solutions

Kodular kindly in next Update Please solve this problem !

remove ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission from manifest if someone doesn’t use NETWORK components …because NETWORK components major of developer doesn’t need this permission
and i suggest to add this permission if someone use WIFI component (Not Network Component) so, the blocks like (Is roaming and Is WiFi connection) should transfer to WIFI components … then other blocks in Network doesn’t NEED ACCESS_WIFI_STATE At all…

  1. is see component in kodular used SCREENSHOT EXTENSION to prevent CAPTURE without need the READ and WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE (I know if someone need to save file SCREENSHOT he need this permission but in general no one uses this permission to save this file in external storage as custom name …so you can remove read and write external storage and set this component only to true or false …

  2. remove query location in empty project (i see this suspicious warning after scan my app in

  3. upgrade sdk to 34 (ANDROID 14)

  4. If you can make section to add or remove unwanted permissions…because many members here try to remove permissions using another desktop app like apk editor studio …and this apps ((maybe)) drops or contain suspicious file if you scan apps in virustotal

  5. obfuscated text: i think this blocks doesn’t work well with Web components. because, after scan app in virustotal
    the sandbox virustotal detect the WEB components url in Google sheet easily even if i use Variable and separate texts(i can’t use encode then decode when get text)

  6. Screen Orientation should be fixed !! in 2024
    from 2022 to 2024 still kodular doesn’t fix this problem…other builders fix the screen orientation without any extension.

Thanks to all kodular team for everything​:heart:

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