Style of programming

Like in the latest topics i started, i am really curious at how other users do certain things.

My style of programming is like i see myself a broddler.

I start of course with an idea of what the app should do.

First i make a crude layout so i can use the blocks i need. Then i program the blocks to do exactly as i want. Then i start fine tuning, catching errors along the way. When i think i found them all (which i haven’t :grin::sunglasses:) i start making the graphics and the design.

Along the way i will get some errors and correct them. When i am planning on releasing the app or aia somewhere, on Google Play or here i play with them a lot, sometimes days.

After i release the aia or app i start realizing that i could have things done much smarter and efficient so then i start tinkering again. And that is the bit i like the most, that is when i learn the most.

So tell me, how do you make your apps?


Firstly, I get my pen & diary for the screen structure - how many screens, which database to use,
what components are required, almost same as u.

Next comes the color scheme. I mostly prefer dual-color schemes.

After choosing the color scheme, I choose the logo.
It’s also a difficult task to do…
matching it all with the color scheme, blah blah blah :sweat_smile:

Then comes the UI part (very difficult for me). I always use Google’s Material Design principles.
For UI component Design ideas, this app helps me a lot -

When the design is finished, I go to coding area (obviously :sweat_smile: )

Here, I build main blocks first.
For example, a event registration app has to store user’s data in DB. What I do first is, finalize/make the DB store blocks.
Then I play around with the if else blocks (these are my favourites :grin: ) - if email does not contain “@” then show error, etc.

After whole coding, then comes the debugging part.
It takes 2 - 3 days for me.

I also take time out to think for design in the final release.

Happened to me too :grin:
That’s why I keep a day for it. (as I wrote above)

That’s mymethod. What are others?
Let me know too! :smile:


when i start to Kode the first part is the about setting the basic layout and building the interface then i work on the blocks part and power up the user interface with blocks, not the time comes when the user interface is focused and it is improved(like setting icon of app, images, border, color combination etc) then i try to improve blocks. meanwhile i export and install the app million times as i can mot live test(i dont have my own mobile) , then the processes of refining, refining and refining, a lot of test and thats all, and this often happens with me:


when an app idea came to my brain.i dont think too much about it. just make ui very fast without code color etc.
add all back-end things.
then start to code.
step by step coding.if one step not ok then im not going next one.
and worst part is testing. some apps need 1000s test.
if everything is ok starting to ui.


Like most of koders, I prefere to create the layouts first, choosing the best color options and styles. I never work with multiple screens, I prefer working with arrangements.

At the blocks area, after making things work, I always go through each group of blocks and procedure to check if I can shorten them as advised in this topic…

Having the blocks checked, I prefer collapsing them all and sorting them by category.

When finished, I go to testing step and then finally release it.


I think I am unique in this.
This is my sequence for Koding:

  • idea
  • experiment
  • blocks
  • ui ( very hard for me)
  • sample app
  • a thousand tests
  • advance app
  • a lakh tests
  • more advance app
  • a million tests
  • release

That is why I have completed and released just one app:innocent:


Well, first I access to

Then I just drag components and the idea comes by itself :slightly_smiling_face::innocent:


First when idea come in my mind. I take my diary & Pen start writing what will be there in my app. Then i start creating logo & after logo i start designing the screen & Once screen i complete i start making blocks. If any bug or Issue is there then i create a new tab & open kodular community in it…


Oops! :sweat_smile:
I forgot to take a day out for this! (editing my above post…) :rofl:

Thanks for reminding! :grin:

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i know this is the most important part . by the way

Keep Calm & Happy Koding

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Thanks everyone for sharing your style of programming
From now I would implement it into my programming style and create some unique apps.

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At the start, I put some components and extensions into my project wich are obviously needed. I instantly change every HA, VA and some objects like Buttons, Textboxs, Sliders to fill parent and mostly rename them for better usablity. Then I start making each function, one by one. If they aren’t too hard, trying them on paper. Sometimes I create more than one way to be sure one of them works, then only leave the best one. I usually change / improve design when one function is done and test the App. If it has mistakes, I try to find the wrong parts either start that function again.

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I think everyone should introduce this to theirs naming of components, the list is incomplete as many new components have been added

acs = Acceleration Sensor
act = Activity Starter
bal = Ball
btn = Button
cam = Camera
ckb = Check Box
cvs = Canvas
ftc = Fusion Tables Control
hsa = Horizontal Arrangement
img = Image
imp = Image Picker
lbl = Label
los = Location Sensor
lpr = List Picker
nfs = Near Field Sensor
ors = Orientation Sensor
ply = player
ptb = Password TextBox
sld = Slider
snd = Sound
spr = Image Sprite
tsa = Table Arrangement
tdb = Tiny Db
twb = TinyWeb db
tmr = Timer or clk for clock
txb = Textbox
vid = Video Camera
vsa = Vertical Arrangement
vpl = Video Player
web = Web Component
wbv = Web View

Btw, the link to the list can be found on App Inventor Links | Pura Vida Apps Naming conventions



You could make a guide from this list and append to it.

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I use
btn , img and lbl the most :smile:

Plus, DB for DataBase


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I use BLAH most of the time. :crazy_face:


Me2, have figured out a number of things lately :grin::upside_down_face::crazy_face:



Very glad to here that you follow Material Guidelines! I try my best to also offer a great design and simplicity while also going a little out of the lines to add things that may not be documented in the Guidelines, like emojis, etc… Personally, I’m trying to come up with my own design language as you might’ve seen from when I came back.

@Peter, for me the programming with blocks is messy, although I do try to optimize it when I can.


I search and then start dragging and dropping components… As aresult what i found is just an abstract art​:joy::joy::joy:… But still my simplest apps get 600+ downloads per day… Becz of my promotion strategies :sunglasses:

i like your way, i always make a plan., that what will my app contains and what i need, then i draw a map on paper of all screens which butons images and all, then i start making graphics by my self buttons images and backgrounds logos, then start making from screen1 and apply backgrounds button images and after designer work finish i start assembling blocks after screen 1 i strat next screen and also test everything along that after completing its hard of find any error so for me this way working good and i am enjoying a lot Kodular .

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