Is there anyone who have tried all the components available in kodular?

I think where most of us struggle is we want to achieve our goal with the knowledge of components we have and reason for that is we don’t know what are other available components and what is the most suitable way to use them.

Here are the components I most use in all my apps so far:

  1. Horizontal/Vertical Arrangements
  2. Labels
  3. Text Boxes
  4. Notifier
  5. TinyDB
  6. Web
  7. Clock
  8. Dynamic Components (Recently started with help of Extensions)

Is there anyone who have atleast tried all the components available in kodular?

Tried all except web

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Yes I have used the components you mentioned, but not all the features of the components.

Then must read the Documentation.

I think so you must change the catagery to #off-topic

I usually refer to the snippets and tutorials to know about the components which I am using in my project. To do this there are several resources available all over the internet. To mention some of them :point_down:

  1. Kodular Documentation & its Guides section
  2. App Inventor Code Snippets by Taifun
  3. App Inventor Tutorials by Taifun
  4. Pixii Bomb Youtube video tutorials
  5. Besides you can explore #guides to know more about various component
  6. Peter has started with some beginner guides related to blocks :point_down: Hope to see more from him :slightly_smiling_face:
  1. Last but not the least Our Kodular Community. The member’s are helpful and intelligent enough to solve your doubts if you have any. Just Ask!

As said earlier these are only some of them. Rest… Google is your friend :wink: