Telegram writing plugin

Hello. I need a plugin that throws a specific message from a group in my Telegram. When an event occurs it needs to write a specific message to the group.

Thanks in advance.

You can do that without an extension. But if you want one I could do that, send me a DM if you want to.

I replied via DM. Actually, if you explain how to do it, if it’s not hard, I’ll do it myself. Doing the situation that will trigger sending a message can make you tired.

use web component to call Tepegram api n bot telegram

Can you show it on the block? How to call my bot and send messages from my telegram group?

I know data such as chat id, token. I don’t know where to fill it on blcok. please help me

Bot send message

Try join this group


Thank you very much, I’m doing it right now. you made me happy :slight_smile:

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